“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / gang aft agley…”
Robert Burns, Scotland's National Poet, coined many of the phrases that are in regular use today. He is celebrated annually on his birthday, 25th January. The first Burns Supper was held in his memory by Burns' friends in 1801 just 5 years after his death and the tradition is now a key cultural heritage event in Scotland and among the Scottish diaspora around the world. Naturally therefore Burns Night is one of the highlights of our member calendars here at Scots in London. Each year Scotland House London, the home of the Scottish government in London, holds a special evening celebration of Scottish culture and also a showcase of the contemporary world-class food and drink industries from Scotland.

Across the globe celebrations range from those focused around the works of Burns to talks, dinners and ceilidhs. Below is a snapshot of how our organsiations marked the occasion; if you would like to take part in our celebrations next year you can become part of our Scots in London community (sign up to our newsletter here) or even join one of our member organisations!
Each year on the Friday nearest to Burns Night The Burns Club of London conduct a wreath-laying ceremony at the Burns statue in Victoria Embankment Gardens. Complete with piper and readings of Burn's works the free event always attracts a large crowd whatever the weather. This year Club President James Fairbairn was joined by special guest Honorary Alderman Ian Adams MBE, Deputy Lord Mayor of Westminster. Club members and their guests then head off for a tasty lunch at the Civil Service Club.

Charity Events
ScotsCare - the charity for Scots in London - holds a Burns Day Lunch for over 50 of their clients at London Scottish House. As well as a lovely meal clients enjoy live music from the talented ScotsCare choir. ScotsCare's clients include Scots and children of Scots in London and the charity provides a wide range of services, from grants and training to housing, social events and homelessness support.

This year the Scottish Business Network also hosted a special charity fundraising dinner in support of Ukrainian children, NGO Girls' project. As Russell Dalgleish, founder of the SBN said, "The idea of mixing Scottish and Ukrainian cultures together around a reimagined vision of a Burns Supper was brave, scary, and a step into the unknown, but wow, did the team deliver?"
Dinners and Dances
Burns Night is a key social event in the calendar of many of our members, from fine dining at The Caledonian Club and The Burns Club of London's annual dinners to a relaxed supper at St Columba's Church and a night of dancing and buffet food at the Ceilidh Club.
Keen to join us next year? Sign up to our newsletter today - it's free!